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My Aspirations


Get to Know Me Furthermore...

Education has the power to resolve ignorance and more. I believe by educating yourself, you can change your fate completely. I know this is true because of how I came to this conclusion. 


It wasn't until I saw for myself how much opportunities America offered its people that I finally understood what the villagers back home meant when they would say "America, the land of opportunities." I was nine years old, still struggling to speak English when I decided that I am going to be someone great. I saw that I can only achieve greatness by taking my free education serious and taking advantages of these American opportunities.


In the sixth grade my teacher decided that I should take honor classes. I was placed in honors Math, Science, and English. I loved every moment of those classes. Nothing was more thrilling to me than getting challenged. By the end of my elementary school career, the school asked me to speak at the graduation ceremony where I first told my story. Because my six-grade teacher was so impressed with my academic hunger, she thought it would be best for me to attend Beveridge Middle School. She believed that the school would challenge me in the ways I needed. I excelled at Beveridge Middle School. Going to high school, my academic goals matured. I wanted to share my love of learning with my peers and build a community in my school. As a Benson Bunny, I took honors and AP courses, joined the poetry club and African American History club, got into College Possible and became one of their representatives. I joined Avenue Scholars and became a council member/representative. I became an Ambassador for Benson High Magnet School. I then joined the student council my junior year, where I got chosen by the staff and my peers to be my graduating class president. 


The honor I felt as I led my class to our final high school moment was all the encouragement I needed to pursue a higher education. From my involvement in high school and my 4.8 GPA, I received enough scholarships to cover everything. 

I am passionate about writing. 

I want to reach as many people as I can. Throughout my life I've got to know many different kinds of people. To my discovery, I realized that everyone has a story. I believe these stories could be the factor that connects us all and remind us what it means to have empathy and hope. However, the problem is these stories aren't being shared. People have made it normal to live in confinement and shame, when in reality, these stories are what makes us human. My goal is to become someone of integrity, someone who people can trust to tell these stories. I want the world to feel and embrace humanity. 

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